Use The Scrub You're Going to Love!

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The IEP Advantage Course

Welcome!  On this page, you will find the some of the most frequent Q & A about The IEP Advantage Course.  If we missed something, no worries, feel free to reach out to us at anytime with your questions.


The IEP Advantage Course

Welcome!  On this page, you will find the some of the most frequent Q & A about The IEP Advantage Course.  If we missed something, no worries, feel free to reach out to us at anytime with your questions.

  • QUESTION:  What is The IEP Advantage Course?
  • ANSWER: This is a course with an all-new systematic approach to IEP meeting prep designed for parents only.  There's literally NOTHING ELSE available like this course.  Why?  Because I designed it to deep dive into real strategy for IEP meeting prep.  It's nothing like the fluffy BS all over the internet telling you to prepare by [1] Looking at your old IEP documents and  [2] Think about IEP goals.  Of course, those are important and minimally helpful.  This course truly tackles all the issues that parents need to become aware of and to know all things to be done, to be fully prepared for their IEP meeting. 
  • QUESTION: Who is Tracie Kelly? 
  • ANSWER: Tracie is a parent of a son with Asperger syndrome.  She struggled with her 1st sets of IEP meetings.   She created this course out of her need to help her son have a winning IEP and a great education.  She has learned out of necessity, living the experience 1st hand, and for the love of her son.  Not because she was hired in at a job to just come up with a "course".  This course is the real-deal, and it will get you completely prepared for your IEP meeting upon completion.  You can read more of her story around this website.
  • QUESTION: Is Tracie Kelly an educator, medical specialist, attorney, therapist, or employed by a school?
  • ANSWER: No, in fact Tracie hasn't "worked" for 22 years.  Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, Tracie was a Michigan State University graduate with BS in Forensic Science - (that's a lot of chemistry mixed with crime scene evidence)!  She worked for a neurologist and as a pharmaceutical drug sales rep.  Her world flipped once she found out her son had autism!  Her mission then became to help her son in every way possible.  That included creating a way to make the IEP meeting work for her in a very empowering way, so she can give her son a great working IEP!  That all began 20 years ago, and now her son Spencer has graduated from Oakland University with his BS Accounting, Magna Cum Laude.  Spencer works in an accounting job at that University.  He loves traveling!  So, Tracie's back now with her mission to help all parents across the USA with IEP meeting prep! 
  • QUESTION: When can I work on the course?
  • ANSWER: You can gain immediate access upon purchase.  You can work on this course from the convenience of your home.  It's accessible 24/7.  
  • QUESTION: Will the school or insurance pay for me to take this course?
  • ANSWER: Not at this time, but if you find out differently, let me know ASAP!  Wouldn't that be great?  This is a goal of ours, however, right now, it is an out-of-pocket expense. 
  • QUESTION: Will it prepare me for every IEP meeting from now-child graduating?
  • ANSWER: Yes! The framework of this course is applicable year after year.  
  • QUESTION: Will I learn more about my child's disability by taking this course?
  • ANSWER: Yes!  Through a series of questions in Modules 2& 7, and your heartfelt answers, you'll arrive to be better understanding about your child's disability and how it's serviced by the school.
  • QUESTION: Will I learn how to organize all this paperwork?
  • ANSWER: Oh, Yes, you will!  If you follow my system, you'll be so organized, somebody will likely notice.  And guess what... when you're paperwork and thoughts are organized... your life gets significantly LESS stressful.  For that reason alone, I'd like to see you excel in this area.  And no worries, because I lead the way for you.  And be thankful, I'm a super-organized person.  You'll see it when you go through my easy-to-follow course!
  • QUESTION: Will I learn about who will help my child at school?
  • ANSWER: Oh, Yes, you will! Module 2 and 7 will teach you all about this!  I made sure of this, because I always remember way back in the beginning... I struggled knowing if all parts of my son's autism were being addressed.
  • QUESTION: Will I learn what goes into the IEP document?
  • ANSWER: You're going to get a video tour included in this course that walks you step by step through the IEP document.  You will have an amazing understanding of this when you complete this course and related sections!  Module 6 is dedicated to IEP meetings and understanding the IEP.
  • QUESTION: How will this course help me save time, money and stress?
  • ANSWER: This course will save you time, because it'll lead you through the steps of being completely organized and prepared.  I thought of everything.  It'll save you SO MUCH MONEY, because listen... 100% of IEP parents struggle and have questions along the way.  There's just too much that is specialized information, that we're not born knowing.  So, when you do this course, you likely won't have to go to the advocates or attorneys to help your though your IEP meetings.  But here's the best part.  Should you have to.. this course will have all your papers and thoughts in order. You'll have amazing documentation, and you'll understand the IEP language.  Imagine you going to an attorney this prepared!  You'll save so much time and money by not having to do this prep with them.
  • QUESTION: Will I still have to hire an attorney or advocate if I take this course?
  • ANSWER: You may someday.  Maybe you won't.  I cannot say what your future holds.  I can say that you'll be uber prepared to meet with them though.  You'll gain their respect quickly.  You'll be prepared and informed.  You'll save time, money and stress.  Instead of not knowing anything about the IEP process, you'll know everything.  See how that can save you time, money and from stress?
  • QUESTION: Do I have to have a printer to do this course?
  • ANSWER: You don't have to, however it will REALLY, REALLY help you if you have access to a printer.  I recommend HP printers.  Cheap ones are fine and get the HP Instant Ink program... totally worth it.  Honestly, having access to a printer is almost a must-have anyways when you have a special needs child!  There's just so much we're always doing something on it, it seems!
  • QUESTION: Why is this course so inexpensive?
  • ANSWER: I'm not quite sure why.  Honestly, I'd like to charge upwards of $5k for this course.. but then am I really helping parents?  I know the truth and I feel for you.  I used to spend so much money on doctor visits and therapy visits, it was insane!  And that was way before inflation skyrocketed!  So, I just thought I'd begin doing a cool thing, and making this course affordable and accessible for everyone.  But grab it while you can, because I might land back to reality soon and raise the price.  If you put over 1,000 hours into creating something amazing that will change the lives for parents, and then pay an obscene amount monthly to host it online,  I'm pretty sure you'd not be offering it for free!  Plus,  I still have to pay credit card fees and taxes on this money, not including the costs of having the business, having to promote and advertise it, and the cost of just the host platform ... so, just helping to shed light on why this product isn't free!  This is one investment in your child that'll be so worth the money! 
  • QUESTION: Who is this course for?
  • ANSWER: This course is designed for parents of school-aged special needs children.  It's not for educators.  It's not for therapists or school personnel.  This course was made to help parents through IEP meeting prep.  I'm a parent that initially struggled, and swore it'd never happen again.  Then, I began to share this with parents and now with you! 
  • ​This course is for parents that are brand new to the IEP process.  This course is for parents who have been doing IEP meetings for a few years and are totally confused,​ lost and scared, and know they don't know.  This course is for parents who have been doing IEP meetings for a very long time.  Because simply stated, if you haven't put the 1000's of hours into learning about the IEP and IEP meeting prep like I have... then you probably have unanswered questions and could secretly use a little help.  We'll this course is here for you!
  • QUESTION: Why Should I Trust That Her Course Will Help?
  • ANSWER: This is a passion project for me.  How can I withhold something that I have, that will benefit every single parent, and just help make this difficult IEP process turn easy?  I see it as my moral obligation to share this course with parents!  I have nothing to gain by the education system, therapists or schools. I have no affiliation with any of them.  I am here as a parent helping parents - period.  Because I know the truth... we parents have needed this course since the beginning of special education.  The school districts have their IEP meeting protocols in place.  They are trained in IEPs.  They have lawyers at the snap of their fingers... What do you have?  Well, now, you have me!  I'm here for YOU, parents.  
  • QUESTION: How would I benefit from the course?
  • ANSWER: You will benefit in SO many ways!  Here's just a few [1] You'll be confident and certain in your IEP meetings after finishing the course.  [2] You'll have your IEP Binder complete, and I'll teach you The 20 Things You Need To Bring. [3] You'll understand your child's disability and who/how it gets served in school. [4] You'll learn how to measure IEP goals. [5] You'll totally understand the purpose and contents of the IEP document.  [6] You'll be prepared knowing the IEP language, therefore being able to speak thoughtfully and articulate well during the meeting. [7] You'll understand the IEP meeting process. [8] You'll understand why things are done certain ways. [8] You'll understand the IEP laws and how they apply to protect you and your child. [9] You'll learn to create goals, vision, mission statements and more.  [10] You'll have the framework you need to prepare for your meetings year after year.  Look, I could easily add 100 more benefits!  I spent nearly 2 years revamping and creating this online course for you to take from home.  The price literally is a 'no brainer' price.  I'm just going to say it, you've got to be crazy to not buy this course, while you can at such a low, laughable price!  It's not always going to be this low forever.  Get in while you can!
  • QUESTION: Will the school know that I'm taking this course?
  • ANSWER: No!  The school will have NO idea you're taking this course...Hehe what a pleasant surprise it'll be for them... unless you're working with a difficult school... then they may not be so happy you have knowledge and confidence to know what you're doing!  This course and the answers your provide are yours and yours alone.  I cannot access your work.  You literally download each document to your personal computer.  The only people to see your work is you... and anyone that you decided to share it with.  So, this is your space to get real and honest... that'll benefit you and your child most!
  • QUESTION: How long should this course take me to complete?
  • ANSWER: I have to give one of those vague answers here!  I'm so sorry.  It'll depend on several factors.. how much time and effort you decide to give.  You can be like a D student and not do much of anything, and therefore not really benefit at all... or you can be like the A student and overachieve on the course.  I'd like for you to all be A students.  It is very much possible; the course is very simple to follow.  It'll also depend on factors such as how old your child is, where you jump into this process (is your child 3 or is your child 18?)  The amount of history you have on your child will make a difference.  That being said, I would expect 10-14 hours would do the trick for most.  Some faster, some longer. it  Just depends on you and your unique situation!
  • QUESTION: Will I learn how to make an IEP binder for the meeting?
  • ANSWER: Yes you will.  Once again, NOBODY does an IEP Binder like I do!  Nobody has put the deep thought and logic into this design.  Everybody else found that one person on the internet with a video and they mindlessly copy her.  Nope, not me, mines much better.  It's what's right for parents.
  • QUESTION: How can this course apply to parents in every state of the USA, when IEPs differ from state to state?
  • ANSWER: Here is why.  IDEA is the governing Federal body of laws that state everything that MUST legally be inside the IEP document.  And guess what?  This is right where i focus.  Yes, I do go over and beyond that in this course.  But I got the basics covered too. 
  • QUESTION: Will I learn all the answers to my specific problems I'm having with my child's IEP?
  • ANSWER: Yes and no.  Well, it depends on you and if you do this course like an A student or a D student.  You'll get out of this course everything you need, provided you follow it all from beginning to end, like it's designed.
  • QUESTION: Why does the video on the sales page look like work?
  • ANSWER: Look, this course will take your thoughts and necessity to answer questions.  It has to, as each of our children are unique.  So, yes, written work is involved.. no worries, what I really mean is you type on the computer, not actually write with a pen.  I mean, you could... but why?  Digital records are so much neater!
  • QUESTION: How can this benefit my child's future beyond school?
  • ANSWER:  I just said this course is life-changing!  Here's a little logic on why, and why I call this course, The IEP Advantage.  [1] Parents: when you learn how to get fully prepared, organized, and confident for all of your future IEP meetings, you experience The IEP Advantage by putting the ball and control and know-how in "your court".  You can speak the IEP language at the meetings and not feel completely lost or worse intimidated.  [2] Your Children benefit because you just learned how to advocate and get a winning IEP.  You  know how to have oversight on the IEP.  You understand the goals you want your child to achieve and make real, meaningful goals with your IEP Team. So, your child benefits by having a better IEP, better school experience... and therefore a better life experience.  What do you remember about your school experience?  It always seemed like those kids with money and privilege had a better experience, yes?  Well, this is what your giving your special needs child.  An advantage in school, in happiness, in communication... and in life.  When you get The IEP Advantage, your child gets The IEP Advantage.  What could be better than that?

The Scrub You're Going to Love!

Expedition Soaps are THE Best Kept Secret in the USA!  All-Natural, handmade soap started by two teen brothers when they were 12 and 15!  Now 7.5 years successfully in business, customers aren't just fans, they're committed customers "for life".  See what all the hype is about these products, over at

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Use The Scrub
You're Going to Love!

Expedition Soaps are THE Best Kept Secret in the USA!  All-Natural, handmade soap started by two teen brothers when they were 12 and 15!  Now 7.5 years successfully in business, customers aren't just fans, they're committed customers "for life".  See what all the hype is about these products, over at

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