Tracie Kelly

This is a Special Invite for IEP Parents Only...

May I ask you a question?  How much do you really understand about [1] IEPs, [2] preparing for the IEP meeting, and [3] how your child's disability gets served by the school?  If you had to rank yourself on a scale from 1 to 10, ten being highest, where would you rank in each of these three areas?

See, when I went to my 1st IEP meeting way back when my son was just 3 years old, I ranked a big, fat ZERO!  I didn't even give you an option for zero... because nobody can rank as bad as I did!  Back then, I had never heard of an IEP!  I didn't even understand that there was a meeting about it, or what the meeting or IEP meant.  I was absolutely clueless!  All I thought was that my son needed all the therapy he could get, and this avenue was a way for the school district to help!

There I was, learning that my first born son had autism.  I didn't even know what autism meant and I was scared!  How could this have happened to my child?  So many unanswered questions, so many uneasy feelings, so much confusion surrounded this all. 

As you know, learning that your child has a disability brings forth so many feelings, it's like being on an emotional rollercoaster. But hearing it from the doctors, therapists, and the school makes it so real, like something you have to face whether or not your ready for it! And seeing your child struggle because of it, and not having the answers or the solution to make it better breaks your heart.

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Tracie Kelly

This is a Special Invite for IEP Parents Only...

May I ask you a question?  How much do you really understand about [1] IEPs, [2] preparing for the IEP meeting, and [3] how your child's disability gets served by the school?  If you had to rank yourself on a scale from 1 to 10, ten being highest, where would you rank in each of these three areas?

See, when I went to my 1st IEP meeting way back when my son was just 3 years old, I ranked a big, fat ZERO!  I didn't even give you an option for zero... because nobody can rank as bad as I did!  Back then, I had never heard of an IEP!  I didn't even understand that there was a meeting about it, or what the meeting or IEP meant.  I was absolutely clueless!  All I thought was that my son needed all the therapy he could get, and this avenue was a way for the school district to help!

There I was, learning that my first born son had autism.  I didn't even know what autism meant and I was scared!  How could this have happened to my child?  So many unanswered questions, so many uneasy feelings, so much confusion surrounded this all. 

As you know, learning that your child has a disability brings forth so many feelings, it's like being on an emotional rollercoaster. But hearing it from the doctors, therapists, and the school makes it so real, like something you have to face whether or not your ready for it! And seeing your child struggle because of it, and not having the answers or the solution to make it better breaks your heart.

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IEP Parents...



It's completely FREE to join & you'll get our emails & newsletters that'll be chocked full of great information for IEP parents!

See, when I went to my 1st IEP meeting way back when my son was just 3 years old, I ranked a big, fat ZERO!  I didn't even give you an option for zero... because nobody can rank as bad as I did!  Back then, I had never heard of an IEP!  I didn't even understand that there was a meeting about it, or what the meeting or IEP meant.  I was absolutely clueless!  All I thought was that my son needed all the therapy he could get, and this avenue was a way for the school district to help!

There I was, learning that my first born son had autism.  I didn't even know what autism meant and I was scared!  How could this have happened to my child?  So many unanswered questions, so many uneasy feelings, so much confusion surrounded this all. 

As you know, learning that your child has a disability brings forth so many feelings, it's like being on an emotional rollercoaster. But hearing it from the doctors, therapists, and the school makes it so real, like something you have to face whether or not your ready for it! And seeing your child struggle because of it, and not having the answers or the solution to make it better breaks your heart.

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IEP Parents...



It's completely FREE to join & you'll get our emails & newsletters that'll be chocked full of great information for IEP parents!

Long story short, my first set of IEP meetings were horrific! I never knew an experience with the school could be so bad! Back in the day, when I attended school, it was a great experience! Yet, there I was, feeling bullied, clueless, small, scared, and confused. I didn't understand the laws, I didn't even know there were laws... I didn't know what was in the IEP, or even what an IEP was! I didn't know there was an IEP Team, all those people showing up at the meeting, trying to convince me that what they said was what I should do! Their District laywer, District Superintendent, and many others on the IEP Team were at my meetings because I implemented the IEP, but didn't agree to it. They said that was the 1st time in like 15 years that somebody did that, and they didn't like me causing "problems". But, I didn't know to bring a lawyer. They don't tell you any of this stuff. They just have you show up for "the IEP meeting", and you go in, thinking it's just a formality to enroll your child into special education. Which it is, however, it's so much more than that.

After these horrible meetings, and negative school experience for my son in their self-contained classroom, I withdrew my son from the school and at that point, I swore I'd do what it takes to figure out the whole IEP meeting thing. My son was very smart and he deserved to have a positive experience in school. And so, I got busy learning everything I could about the IEP and IEP meeting prep!

Back then, I created a method for the ultimate IEP meeting prep, and it worked great! I went to my next IEP meeing (1st grade for my son) so confident, certain and organized. The IEP Team said it was the best IEP meeting ever, as I was so prepared. Then, one of them said something that changed everything! She said, "Could you imagine if ALL parents came into their IEP meetings prepared like you were? It would change everything!"

And at that moment, a lightbulb went off. I proceeded to share that method with as many IEP parents as possible.

I learned a lot about IEPs and IEP meetings since then. Time went by, fastforward to 2022, and there was an autistic child at my son's school and I wondered how IEPs were today... I thought, IEPs must be so much better today with the technology available. So, I started looking around in Facebook groups, and I couldn't believe what I saw! The SAME problems that I had, that other people had, are STILL happening today!

I knew that I had a solution that I created years ago called, "The IEP Help Disk". It was time for me to dust that off, update it, make it even better, and move it onto the internet as a course that parents can access from the comfort and privacy of their own home. And now, after almost 2 years and many, many, many.. did I say many? Many hours, I did it. My course is competed, awesome, everything parents need to get prepped!

But, I not only created the most amazing new system for parents to prep for their IEP meetings, so they can show up Informed | Empowered | & Prepared as IEP Parents, I'm creating a whole community, an tsuanmi of IEP parents, who want to make their IEP meetings a grand success, with an end goal of changing the way parents experience the IEP meetings and IEP creation. So, with this I personally invite you to join me and come along on a journey of IEP meeting prep, all for the end goal of giving our kids the best possible IEP meetings.

How do you get started? Visit the website often, and join our mailing list, so we can keep you in the loop and share critical IEP meeting prep info with you. But, my ultimate goal is for you to grab my course and get in right now, while seats are still available!  Not only is there nothing else available like this for parents to learn IEP meeting prep... there is nothing else available that you'll find this awesome, comprehensive, AND inexpensive!

Join Us Today. Become an IEP Parent: Informed | Empowered | & Prepared.

Become an IEP Parent:

When you're INFORMED | EMPOWERED | & PREPARED with The IEP Advantage,

you can learn & transform into an IEP Parent...
and it all begins with joining our family!

Become INFORMED: Parents, easily keep up with what you need to know & do at your IEP meetings with our occasional emails & weekly newsletters full of great resources - just for parents!

Become EMPOWERED: Our monthly newsletter will automatically show up in your email inbox and you'll be inspired & empowered as you learn so many great tips!

Become PREPARED: Let's be honest! There's a LOT to know about preparing for your IEP meetings. But worry no more, I've got it all figured out for you parents & I'm here to deliver!

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