Use The Scrub You're Going to Love!

Expedition Soaps are THE Best Kept Secret in the USA!  All-Natural, handmade soap started by two teen brothers when they were 12 and 15!  Now 7.5 years successfully in business, customers aren't just fans, they're committed customers "for life". 

See what all the hype is about these products, over at


Tracie's Most Recent Recording...

Welcome!  On this page, you will find the Podcast Episodes that Tracie participated in.  You're welcome to listen in! 

Our end vision is to host our own podcast sharing parents IEP stories & experiences, as well as interviewing industry leaders in Special Education, Disabilitites, IEP meetings, and IEP meeting prep, to better equip parents on their journey to being fully prepared for their IEP meetings.

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Asynchronous Podcasting coming soon...

If you'd like to be one of the first to share your story on Tracie's Podcast, The IEP Experience, please contact her to let her know! Podcasts are expected to drop in Q3 of 2024.  The Podcast is open to all persons and parents related to Disabilities and Special Education that have a message or story to share.  This Podcast is also open to professionals, lawyers, and advocates who have information to share.  

The Podcast format is rather different and simple to do. She uses an asynchronous platform to conduct the interview, so you can participate at your own time and pace - you don't have to schedule a time & date! This is our easy-peasy podcasting, and it's coming soon!  We hope that you decide to join us on an episode!

Use The Scrub
You're Going to Love!

Expedition Soaps are THE Best Kept Secret in the USA!  All-Natural, handmade soap started by two teen brothers when they were 12 and 15!  Now 7.5 years successfully in business, customers aren't just fans, they're committed customers "for life".  See what all the hype is about these products, over at

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